Jeff Gerke is guest blogging at: about his un-hostile takeover of the editor's panel discussion at Mt. Hermon. Because I write often in this genre, my bestest bud, Dineen Miller told me about Mr. Gerke's comments, as did Camy Tang. Naturally, I savored these nuggest and his borderline-prophetic claim that Christian sf/f would make its comeback in 2-5 years. If you're looking for encouragement in speculative fiction, check out this blog entry.

Dear friend Beth Goddard gave me an idea Friday. I think i've made her uncertain about approaching me with ideas, because I tend to horde what little bit of "free" time I actually have after homeschooling and college work every day. But this restored my joy and excitment over my space opera, Brand & Bound. Her idea was to start a promotion, of sorts, about B&B. The idea stirred me and intrigued me. Thus, I started a blog for this story, and will over the course of the next few weeks, improve it. In the future, I hope to create the Cenon Trading Center (a forum), an online hunt (for those of you who know Marco, he lives for the hunt--despite all rumors by a certain editor that this hunk of a man with amazing skills is a creature or kilt-wearing platypus), and entries by Marco about aspects of his life, including his unrequieted love for Stevie. :-D So, stop by and see this work-in-progress blog/journal from Marco:
Did that title grab you? Well, what if I told you a man slaughtered so many animals that the number was too great to count?? Unbelievable? Read on...
This morning, in reading from the Bible, and something hit me. It says in I Kings 8:
I thought, wow, thousands? Well, I'd have to guess no, since at the dedication of the temple, scripture later says:
So in order to make the trek from where the ark was housed to the temple Solomon built, they probably didn't take more than a step or two at a time without sacrificing an animal.And this is where I had my epiphany: That's just like our lives. We shouldn't move ahead once we have His guidance more than a couple of paces without covering what we're doing in prayer and offering our lives, our works, our hearts as a sacrifice to Him. Solomon kept the blood sacrifice over his actions and movements. We should do the same.
A few years ago, my family went through what our pastor called a Desert--much like the Israelites. I confess that during that time, I was broken in more ways than one. Though I am grieved to admit it, I no longer believed prayer worked--I was lost in hopelessness. Then, about a year ago, I read the book Committed But Flawed by Cecil Murphey This book revolutionized my thoughts about prayer. I took what, for me, was a huge step of faith and started praying again. Amazingly, God responded almost immediately. This gave me the courage to keep praying. I believe God said to me recently that what He wanted to accomplish in my life and that of my family's would only be done through prayer. Well, hello! I guess that means more commitment to prayer. :-D
So, there it is. Not really that profound, but it was a kewl to me.
YES! I did it. The hardest manuscript I've ever written--and last night I wrote the last chapter and epilogue. Midnight Zone was the most technical story I've ever written. It's hanging in the balance with an editor right now...actually, I looked at my submission track last night and remembered it's at TWO. Maybe one of them will give this story a shot. it's really amazing (well, at least to me *wink*).
I have to say, this story gave me a run for my money--and energy. Of course, now that I'm done, I realize it needs some restructuring and layering in (I realized in the last 1/4 I slipped back into my knack of leaving out the setting--UGH!). But for me, this was a HUGE success just getting this story written. I've never dealt with so much oppression, opposition...MIND GAMES!!
Now, I'll let this sit for a while, then come back and start tweaking it. In the meantime, I'm very excited about another story I jotted out the first couple of chapters at the beginning of the month. I had one friend look at it, and she loved it. Of course, that made me preen (Thanks, Camy!!). :-D
Soooo....what are y'all working on? What's challenging you??