Hey, y'all! Come on over to Seekerville and visit me while we talk about contest Aftermath!!
Okay, so I've been offered a contract by Barbara Scott with Abingdon Press (have I mentioned lately how thrilled I am??), and I already know they are working (or maybe that's done at this point) on setting up their outlets, like Amazon, etc. But one thing that has me a tad ... um... curious is what graphic designer or designers they will have. light of my curiosity, I thought I'd post a copule of covers that have piqued my interest lately:1. Shadow of Colossus by TL Higley -- ABsolutely love the cover. The colors are soothing and pleasant. The image of Colossus's foot gives it a powerful nudge. And the woman is just beautiful.
2. Auralia's Colors by Jeffrey Overstreet - I love teh dichotomy of this cover. The title mentions color, yet it's almost a monochromatic scheme, with the only true hints
of color coming from the overcloak on the heroine. Very intriguing and mysterious.3. Miss Fortune by Sara Mills - this book is releasing next week, and I think the cover is absolutely perfect for the genre and era of this book.
Wow, I realized I could go on and on listing book covers. And my favorite graphic designer, Dineen Miller, has such a knack for stuff like this (see my header on my website!!). LOL What about you? What covers have gripped you lately?

Private congrats are most welcome to Ronie's e-mail address at where first baby and mother are resting quite nicely in an peaceful bliss long overdue. Proud Auntie Robin Miller is gloating on the sidelines. ;-) And little sister Sara Mills is jumping up and down with glee.
For more info on this majorly cool story, check out Ronie's website at
Dead Reckoning...Underwater archeologist Shiloh Blake is consumed with passion for the water and angry at the injustices of life. Her first large-scale dig traps her in the middle of an international meltdown and forces her to flee for her life. When she spots a man trailing her, she questions who he is and how he's always one step ahead of her.
Former Green Beret Reece Jaxon now serves his country as a covert operative. His mission is entangled by the beguiling Shiloh Blake as he hunts down the source to a dead drop in the Arabian Sea.
The only way to prevent a nuclear disaster is to join forces with Reece. But will Shiloh violate her vow to never become a spy like her father? Will they put aside their differences to end this nightmare?
* * * *
Dineen A. Miller
Hey, everyone! Hope you're having a great week! Our kids start school next week, and I'm looking forward to everyone being in a solid routine again.
It is with trembling and shaking that I review this next book. My big brother and friend, John Olson, has Shade releasing next month! John's latest masterpiece is a work that is creepily chillifying! Doctors say Hailey Maniates has paranoid schizophrenia. Melchi, the hero, warns her that what she's seeing is supernatural! I'm telling y'all--this is a story where you have to trust. You know the kind like Sixth Sense and The Others, where you have to just enjoy the ride...then again, is it safe enough to trust? Who knows what portals that trust might open. :-D
Here's the official blurb about Shade (coming Sept 08 from B&H):
Graduate student Hailey Maniates is injured as she tries to escape a waking nightmare. The doctors diagnose her as having paranoid schizophrenia and urge her to forget about the hallucinations, but she can’t rest. Too many unsolved mysteries surround the attacks. First and most perplexing is the giant homeless man who rescued her. He seemed convinced that some kind of Gypsy vampire is pursuing both of them. Is he suffering from the same condition she has?
Against all reason, Hailey finds herself becoming more and more attracted to this strange young man. But can she trust her feelings? What if they’re part of her delusion? What if the vampire is real after all? What if the homeless man is the vampire?
Look what John had to say about his first writer's conference and this book:
I was a brand new writer back in the spring of 1998 when I showed up at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, clutching the early draft of Shade in my sweaty little hands. Would the editors like it? Would they hate it? Did I have what it took to be a writer? That very first night I sat down with one of the editors to whom I had submitted my manuscript for review, and he asked the dreaded question: “Did you send me a manuscript?” I nodded my head, and he studied my nametag with a frown. Apparently he didn’t remember my name. That was a good sign, right?
“Wait a second… You’re that John Olson? I wouldn’t touch that book with a sixty foot pole... It was terrifying!”
That was my first introduction to Steve Laube, the man who would go on to become my editor, agent, advisor and friend.
Check out this trailer from B&H on the book:
Like I said, y'all...CHILLIFYING!
I am *so* thrilled to tell y'all that my awesome friend and crit partner, Lisa Harris, has her first book with Steeple Hill's Love Inspired Suspense coming out in Septmeber. Final Deposit is a fabulously unique story, and I absolutely love the way Lisa weaves this story together. Here is a blurb of the book:
Imagine finding out that your father has fallen victim to one of these long cons. After disposing of all his stocks, mortgaging his house, and maxing out his credit cards, George Taylor flies to Europe to meet with the man

When Lindsey Taylor tries to save her father from losing his life savings to the Internet scam, she discovers that losing everything you have isn’t the worst thing that can happen.
This book is a must-read! With a strong heroine, an intriguing hero, and a father you just want to wrap in your arms and console, I thoroughly enjoyed this book!
First - before I do the meme, I *have* to rave about a new book put out by B&H Publishing. The day I received Shadow of Colossus by TL Higley in the mail, I gasped. I'd been at the B&H website the week before absolutely drooling over the cover and story synopsis for this book. I was THRILLED to read it, but realyl nervous, too--ya know how it is. You see a book and think it's going to be fantastic, but when you read it... So, my fear of being let down kept me from reading it for a few days. THEN! I finally caved to my HUGE curiosity, and started reading.
Shadow of Colossus is one of the most beautifully written books I've ever encountered. The prose is amazing, the story is riverting, and the characters are complex. Set in Rhodes, 227 BC just before the great earthquake, the story details the splendor, debauchery,and society of the Greeks. About the time I was feeling a bit irritated with one aspect of the plot, Tracy throws in a last-minute twist that I didn't see coming. I absolutely love the ending and love how she capitalizes on the Seven Wonders of the World in crafting her stories. Tessa of Delos is a captivating heroine, and Nikos...ah, Nikos. *grins* I was absolutely and completely satisfied with every aspect of this story, which is rare for me. I am now a HUGE TL Higley fan.
Go HERE to see the trailer for Shadow of Colossus.

I have to admit, I *love* memes. :-D They are so much fun. Here's one that I got tagged with by my dear friend, Shannon McNear.
It was started by Becky Miller the Real (as opposed to Becky Miller the Fictional), and she posted five books each under three categories: Must Reads, Keep Your Eyes On These, and Coming Soon. Each player has to replace one title with another in each category, indicating what book they added, and WHY (as per Becky's request).
So, without further ado...
MUST Reads:
DragonSpell by Donita K. Paul
Broken Angel by Sigmund Brouwer (WaterBrook)
The Restorer by Sharon Hinck (NavPress)
Firebird by Kathy Tyers (Bethany House) Yeah...I know, it's an "oldie," but it is also by far my favorite ever!
Shadow of Colossus (T.L. Higley) - I'm adding this one because I just finished it, and this is some of the most beautiful, seamless writing I've seen in a while. The story is just beautiful, too! I am anxiously awaiting book 2, City of the Dead.
Keep Your Eyes On These:
Scarlet by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
Auralia’s Colors by Jeffrey Overstreet (WaterBrook)
The Legend of the FireFish by George Bryan Polivka (Harvest House)
Shadow of Colossus TL Higley (B&H) (yeah, I know, she's in all three lists, but she's won me over!)
The Falcon and The Sparrow by ML Tyndall (Barbour)
Shade by John Olson (B&H) <--ABSOLUTELY!!
Miss Fortune (by Sara Mills, published by Moody)--Sara has a very strong, unique voice that lends itself wholly to the classic Bogart/Maltese Falcon genre)
Stepping into Sunlight by Sharon Hinck (Bethany)
Single Sashimi by Camy Tang (Zondervan) - I love Camy's snarky humor!
City of the Dead by T.L. Higley
And I'm tagging...
Dineen Miller
Lisa Harris
John Olson (when he's done sanctioning himself and can come out and play with the rest of us...he can post it on his edgy social site LOL)
Lena Nelson Dooley
Mindy Obenhaus (hey, you're lying in bed, what else do you have to do?)
YAYAY!! I'm so excited--I've waited for this final book in the Noble Series for a loooong time. Okay, maybe not loooong, but definitely loong. :-D I was especially intrigued after reading Taming Rafe about Stephanie, and really hoped to see Lincoln Cash return as the hero. With two powerhouse brothers, I knew Stephanie would have to really pull off a strong, emotionally riveting story--living up to such hunky, heroic brothers is tough, but Stephanie holds her own. I loved this story, and found it very fulfilling and extremely satisfying!
About the book: When she put her dreams on hold to help run the family ranch, she never imagined they would slip out of sight. Luckily for Stefanie, those dreams are about to come knocking at her door.
Lincoln Cash has gained fame and fortune on the big screen, but a crippling secret leaves him one last chance to make his mark on the movie industry. With dreams of hosting a new film festival, Lincoln intends to remodel a sprawling ranch in eastern Montana to make it the new Hollywood hot spot.
Unfortunately, a house fire threatens his plans. So does opposition from his new neighbor Stefanie Noble, who's not thrilled about his Tinseltown changes. What Lincoln and Stefanie don't know is that the fire won't be the last disaster to threaten Lincoln or his future. Someone is out for revenge... but who? And who is the real target?
Read an excerpt: Susan: Susan May Warren is the award-winning author of seventeen novels and novellas with Tyndale, Steeple Hill and Barbour Publishing. Her first book, Happily Ever After won the American Fiction Christian Writers Book of the Year in 2003, and was a 2003 Christy Award finalist. In Sheep’s Clothing, a thriller set in Russia, was a 2006 Christy Award finalist and won the 2006 Inspirational Reader’s Choice award. A former missionary to Russia, Susan May Warren now writes Suspense/Romance and Chick Lit full time from her home in northern Minnesota.
Link to buy the book:
Link to Susan’s website:
Link for blog tour schedule:
Grab your magnifying glass and join me on a Fact-o-Find!
Answer these questions about the bloggers on the tour and be entered to win a $50 gift certificate to the movie theater of your choice (you know so you can see some of Cash's great movies *G*)! Email Amy your answers ( Ready, get set, giddy-up!
1. Which blogger is adopting a girl from China?
2. This word 'featherbunkle' is found on which blog?
3. Which blogger is supporting the 'Pickens Plan'?
4. Which blog is "The Cutest Blog on the Block"?
5. Which blogger is a S@HM and also a wife, daughter, sister, friend, nursery director, and woman that is just trying to keep it all together?
6. Which blogger is taking the Southern Reading Challenge?
7. Which blog asks 'How may we serve you'?
8. Which blogger refers to her son as 'super good big guy'?
9. Which blogger is a self-proclaimed 'Starbucks Addict'?
10. Which blogger is a big Trekkie?
Martha at Our Family’s Adventures
Trish at Books for Moms
Sunny at Life in the Estrogen Ocean
Deborah at A Cup of Joy
Julie at Waves of Grace
Camy at Camy’s Loft
Amy at Amy’s Random Thoughts
Gina at Portrait of a Writer
Lena a Christian Writer’s World
Leticia at My Daily Trek
Laura at Lighthouse Academy
Melissa at Breath of Life
Lori at Laurel Wreath’s
Ronie at Supernatural Craving
Erica at On the Right Path
Deborah at Books, Movies, and Chinese Food
Heather at Fresh Sweet Peas
Christy at Christy’s Book Blog
Beth at The Writing Road
Cee Cee at Book Splurge
Kate at A Simple Walk
Dineen at Kittens Come From Eggs
Joy at Five J's
Paula at Grace Reign
Rel at Relz Reviewz
Deena at A Peek At My Bookshelf
Patty at Girlfriends in God
Peg at Sips & Cups Cafeteria
Cara at Cara’s Musings
Pattie at Fresh Brewed Writer
Amy at My Friend Amy
AnnMarie at More Than Just A Mom
Janis at The Nearsighted Bookworm
Kelli at The Zen of Motherhood
Teresa at Joy In the Journey
Lynetta at Open Book
Betsy at Betsy Ann…Writer At Large
Susan at His Reading List
Tiffany at A Fiction Filled Life
Pamela at Pammer’s Ramblins
Lauren at Baseballs and Bows
Brittanie at A book Lover Forever
Jack Keane
Kathleen Violet Fowler

Dublin, Ireland

(interesting note: my mother (in teal)worked at this hotel as a teen)