Howdy, folks!! Well, I have the delight today of lending my blog to my daughter Kira so she can review a book (yes, this review is WAY overdue...shame on both of us). So, without further ado, here is my daughter.
Back cover blurb: When the mysterious Jesmet, whom the authorities brand as a Magician of the Old Order, begins to connect with Orianon, he is banished forever to the shadowside of their planet Corista.
Kira here: I liked Trion Rising because it is like what Jesus went through with all those who hated him and when he was crucified, except with a futuristic twist to it. Robert Elmer is an amazing writing as well, trapping you in the story.
One of my favorite things in the book is a little earpiece that two people have and can hear each others thoughts, but only the thoughts that you want each other to hear.
I would recommend this book to people who love sci-fi and want a story with excitement, adventure, and a teenage girl who remembers everything she sees and hears.
Ronie here -- Wow, I am a proud Mom! Didn't my daughter do a great review. She really enjoyed this book--so much that she could recall the details from many months ago (I alluded to the fact that we're "late" posting this review). LOL Kira has already said she's looking forward to the next book! YAY! Blog Tour!
This week we're chatting about:
The Fantastic Fall Giveaway Contest!
Just in time for the holidays, you could win over $335 worth of books, cds and dvds!

Whispers of the Bayou by Mindy Starns Clark
Rachel's Secret by BJ Hoff
Beach Dreams by Trish Perry
Playing God by Michelle McKinney Hammond
White Soul by Brandt Dodson
The Legend of the Firefish by George Bryan Polivka
Finding Marie by Susan Paige Davis
The Power of Praying Through the Bible by Stormie Omartian
A Man After God's Own Heart by Jim George
Evidence for Faith 101 by Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz

Wake Up! Wake Up! by Everyday Sunday
Rock What You Got by Superchick
Sunday by Tree63
Houston We Are Go by Newsboys (Live CD/DVD)
Nothing Left To Lose by Mat Kearney
I Am Free Worship Collection
Salvation Station by Newworldson
Not Without Love by Jimmy Needham
Pages by Shane & Shane
Colors and Sounds by Article One
Love's Unfolding Dream
The Ten Commandments Animated
Between the Walls

We're giving away even more!
During this blog tour (November 10th - 16th) we'll be drawing 2 winners daily from the contest entries to win an additional free book or cd!
Visit the Contest page today to enter the contest and place yourself in the running to receive the Grand Prize, plus all the daily prizes! Deadline to enter is November 17th.
Founded in 2006 by Tracy & C.J. Darlington, is an interactive website spotlighting Christian books, music & movies. Updated weekly, we feature author and musician interviews, album and book reviews, music videos, movie reviews and interviews, book excerpts, surveys, polls, and fun contests. Learn more:

Here’s the blurb from Zondervan’s website for Dark Pursuit:
Kaitlan Sering’s estranged grandfather, novelist Darell Brooke, was the legendary King of Suspense—until an auto accident left him unable to concentrate. Now she’s begging him to protect her from a real serial killer. Can his muddled mind devise a plan to catch the murderer?
In all honesty, one thing I’m not a fan of—and this is strictly personal preference—is the fatal twist at the end. I like twists. I really do, and I write them into my books, but for some reason, this one made me feel cheated. As someone with a degree in psychology, I absolutely loved . . . well, I’m not going to spoil the ending. :-D