For Immediate Release
Thursday, June 17, 2010
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Contact: Angie Brillhart
740.922.6045 X 171
Book One in Discarded Heroes Series by Ronie Kendig to Hit Stores July 2010
Uhrichsville, OH — Members of our armed services have championed freedom, survived the cruelties of war, and now these same heroes return home…wounded and discarded.
Nightshade, book one in the new military-themed Discarded Heroes series by debut author Ronie Kendig, mixes thrilling action, drama, romance, and a unique look at the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The novel is scheduled for release in July 2010.
In Nightshade, former Navy SEAL Max Jacobs is fighting a new war—a war for his family. Suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Max is unable to control his anger and alienates himself from his wife, who files a protective order against him. Their lives are about to collide when Sydney Jacobs hunts down the source of a human interest story at her local newspaper. Will she uncover Nightshade, the elite team Max is covertly working with, and bring danger to both Max and herself?
Ronie Kendig grew up an Army brat, married a veteran, and they now have four children and a Golden Retriever. She has a BS in Psychology, speaks to various groups, volunteers with the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and mentors new writers. Ronie can be found at
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Nightshade by Ronie Kendig. July 2010. $12.99. ISBN 978-1-60260-777-4. To schedule an author interview, contact Angie Brillhart at or call 740.922.6045, ext. 171.
Author Q&A:
Q: Describe your research on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and why you felt compelled to write about it?
A: Research is both complicated and ongoing, just as the clinical research regarding combat-related PTSD is ongoing. I'm always reading a book regarding our military and PTSD. These books can be fiction, clinically-based, or self-help nonfiction written by those who have "been there, done that." I've talked to professional counselors and chaplains, and to vets who serve our country and suffer from the disorder. I pray I never stop reading because by staying active in research, my heart and mind remain open and concerned. The more I dug into the research, the more convinced--and convicted--I became. We want our heroes to fight for us, to fight for freedom, but what about when they return home? They're "different" or "not the same as when they left." Many don't understand, so they ignore our heroes....leaving them abandoned.
Q: How did you get your idea for the Discarded Heroes series?
A: The idea for this series came from Sunday school. One Sunday, a woman made a prayer request. Her husband was a Navy SEAL and his anger and PTSD were destroying their marriage. It was a moment of stunning clarity for me. I knew it would be a grave injustice to ever again pen a story that romanticized our heroes without showing the heart-wrenching toll their careers—what they see and do—take on their lives and families. Don't get me wrong. They are heroes, but they're also people with hurts/needs, and I think that is often forgotten. On the way to the airport with John Olson, we began brainstorming a new series, and out of that intense 40-minute drive, the Discarded Heroes series was born.
Q: Was there a scripture that inspired Nightshade, book one in the series?
A: Scripture did indeed inspire large portions of Nightshade, but it wasn't one scripture alone—it was the life story of King David. Like Max, my hero is a warrior, called to war, designed by God to accomplish tasks most men and women aren't able to face.
Q: What do you hope your readers learn from reading Nightshade?
A: The intention of this series is to open dialogue and discussion, both among our soldiers/vets, and among the civilian community. I hope readers will come to the series with an open mind, that they'd find hope and healing and perhaps a desire to support our men and women in the armed forces with more compassion, more prayer, and more understanding. Above all, I pray that the wounded of heart and soul will find hope in God.
Q: How did you get your start in writing?
A: I’ve always loved making up stories, and when my husband, suggested that I try to get published sometime shortly after we married, I rebuffed him. I did not want to jeopardize my love of writing with going through the pains of seeking publication. But eventually, he convinced me, and in 2002, I started the journey toward publication. In February of 2007, I signed with my agent.
Q: Where can your readers find you online?
Twitter: @roniekendig
ACFW Announces Genesis Finalists
ACFW is pleased to publicize the names of the 2010 Genesis finalists. Since its inception in 2002, the Genesis contest (originally named the Noble Theme) has been the leading fiction contest for unpublished Christian writers.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 15, 2010 – “The Genesis is the premier contest in the Christian Booksellers Association for the unpublished. It's THE place to get noticed by a publisher.” – Colleen Coble, CEO of ACFW.
- Cindy Hays
- Lynnette P. Horner
- Chris Kraft
- Mark Lundgren
- Christina S. Nelson
- Jeannie Campbell
- Sarah Forgrave
- Janice LaQuiere
- Rebecca Syme
- Linda Yezak
- Lori Benton
- Brenda Jackson
- Robert Kaku
- Lisa Karon Richardson
- Katie-Marie Stout
- Susanne Dietze
- Anne Greene
- Pam Hillman
- Lisa Karon Richardson
- Ruth Trippy
- Rich Bullock
- Barbara Early (double finalist with two entries)
- Lynda Schab
- Chawna Schroeder
- Valerie Goree
- Mindy Obenhaus
- Leslie Pfeil
- Dianna Shuford
- Teri Dawn Smith
- Terri Weldon
- Ben Erlichman
- Suzanne Krein
- Shelley Ledfors
- Andra Marquardt
- Holly Smit
- Lisa Buffaloe
- Jennifer Fromke
- Terri Haynes
- Fay Lamb
- Christina S. Nelson
- Melissa Tagg
- Michelle Ule
- Angela Bell
- Lin Harris
- Kasey Heinly
- LoraLee Kodzo
- Stefanie Morris
From airport newsstands to Newsweek, Christian fiction continues to grow in popularity, resonating with readers looking for both faith and fiction. The growth of the genre has birthed many new writers, as evidenced by the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). ACFW has over 2000 members worldwide, consisting of authors, editors, agents, publicists and aspiring writers. The Genesis contest is the only contest with ONLY inspirational categories.
Winners of the Genesis contest will be announced on September 19, 2010 during the awards event at the ACFW Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Wow! I'm so excited. Today is June 1st--that means two very awesome things are happening in my life. First...My TWENTIETH anniversary! No kidding. On June 1, 1990 I married the man of my dreams. I knew I had to snag him fast before he figured out the truth (hehe). Brian is a real hero. God has closed many doors to Brian's dreams (army, architecture, FBI) but he has pressed on. Now, he's able to speak/read/understand Arabic (not fluently yet). We aren't sure what God has on the horizon for us, but I am really honored and excited to journey with my amazing man. means there's ONE MONTH left until Nightshade releases. YAY! In honor of that, I'd like to share some of the early reviews that are coming in.
While I do not normally read novels featuring war stories, I read this one because I have a son-in-law who not only has deployed and served, but who is preparing to return to the war zone. It is books like this that will be able to reach those who are holding in the pain and who can identify with Max. ~~"kansaspastor" at
Nightshade is brilliant! Gripping characters, incredible pacing, and the most compelling plot I've read in a LONG time made this a book I could NOT put down. The author had me so entrenched, I felt like I was in the midst of the most amazing military-action-suspense-romance movie on the big screen. I'm hooked, and cannot wait for the rest of the series. Ronie Kendig is my new favorite author. ~~Kimberley Woodhouse, author of Welcome Home Woodhouse Family: Our Family's Journey to Extreme Joy and No Safe Haven (B&H, January 2011).
This intense story full of action, is also full of emotion and life. Men dealing with issues they hadn’t planned on. Surprise after surprise and bomb after bomb set this adventurous trail with the reader racing to the end. I found myself crying and smiling and hated it when it ended. But I have it on good authority that there are more Discarded Heroes stories coming. Ronie, I can’t wait! ~~Jan Crow, Katy Budget Books, Buyer
PRE-ORDER NIGHTSHADE for $8.76 at Amazon: