My awesome best friend, Dineen Miller, posted a link to this kewl science-fiction site to determine which SF writer you are. Take the survey adn let us know who you are!
![]() | I am:E.E. "Doc" SmithThe inventor of space opera. His purple space war tales remain well-read generations later. |
WARNING: THE SITE HAS LANGUAGE IN IT, "POTTY" language as Neen called it. :-D
I was tickled with my results since, when I write in sf/f genre, I pen space operas. How kewl!! :-D
"He smelled good--rebelliously good--like leather and a hint of soap."
How can you resist that?? Or that two-day stubble and dimple??
Nick Noble hadn’t planned on being the prodigal son.
But when his father dies and leaves half of Silver Buckle—the Noble family ranch—to Nick’s former best friend, he must return home to face those he left behind. And to make sure that the Silver Buckle stays in the Noble family.
Award-winning journalist Piper Sullivan believes Nick framed her brother for murder, and she’s determined to find justice. But following Nick to the Silver Buckle and posing as a ranch cook proves more challenging than she first anticipated. So does resisting his charming smile.
As Nick seeks to overturn his father’s will—and Piper digs for answers—family secrets surface that send Nick’s life into a tailspin. But there’s someone who wants to see the Silver Buckle leave Noble hands, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen, even if it means taking a life.

I got snagged into the life of these characters right from the get-go. In one of the first scenes, I could hear the clomping, see the dust in the air—I was RIGHT THERE. There are not many books that drag me in so quickly. Since I’m an impatient reader, that’s a good thing.
One of my favorite scenes is when Piper is up at the lodge and decides to trek down to the house. . .and gets into a tussle with a bull. This scene gave me one of those gut-birthed giggles (sad, huh?), especially when she' s staring down this thousand-plus-pound bull and saying, "Shoo!" Naturally, Nick comes to rescue her, but not after first getting a good laugh.
Susie builds a lot of depth into her characters that not only makes you care, but FORCES you to yearn, ache, and rejoice with them. You can’t help it. You have to because you’ve come to think of them like family.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.(*excerpt from page ~83~ of Reclaiming Nick)
Visit Susie's website: and blog:
About a month ago, I was depressed. Truly, the closest I've ever come to being full-blown depressed. We'd just spent nearly two grand on fixing our primary vehicle. That drained our emergency and Christmas money. Then, Brian's truck breaks down. Do we have any money to fix it? Nope. Do we have the money to take on a monthly payment. Definitely not. So, we haul the truck down to Waco for a mechanic to work on. I got a rejection, one that didn't quite sting, but sure didn't help my confidence. I'd sent my manuscript to an agent, one that I'd had a quasi-hopeful spirit about getting signed with. Well, I also knew said agent didn't send out rejections after December 1st. Come mid-December, I was utterly convinced he was going to reject me. Great thing to look forward in the New Year, right? Then, we learned that my husband wouldn't have a job after January 1st--he was being laid off.Anyway, during that time, I cried out to God asking Him where he was in all the disappointing and bad things happening in my life. And in that despair, I got this mental image of a large window to a shop. My view is mostly blocked, but I can see this man moving around inside the shop. He's arranging, rearranging, setting up, cleaning, moving... That "man" is God, and the shop is my life.
Only the other night did I realize how much that mental image has helped me. You see, when we talk about God's plans...doesn't it sound "far off," in the future, something to be or to come about at SOME POINT?? Well, to me, the image of God moving and arranging things in my life helped me see God ACTIVELY at work in my life.
No, I haven't had an astounding turnaround in anything in my life. I see potential. I see God rearranging and arranging, although nothing major has come to fruition...YET! Our primary vehicle is broke again. His truck still hasn't been fixed. And my husband is now unemployed. But I have hope in God. There IS HOPE in God!!!
Oh...and I did find out I am on that agent's short list. I haven't been rejected by this agent yet. Apparently, the reviews from the readers came back mid-December. Dare to dream, y'all...
Okay, I promised spy stuff in my blogs. :-D I think I'll start with the poisoned spy, Alexander Litvinenko. Fascinating story. I've printed and stuffed in a binder all the articles I could find on him, including the reporter whose death he was investigating. Oh. Some of you might not know who I'm talking about. Litvinenko was a lieutenant colonel in the KGB and later the FSB, and once responsible for the protection of Boris Berezovsky when he held office. Once he sought asylum in England, he became a vocal critic of the Kremlin and Putin. At the time of Litvinenko's death, he was investigating the murder of a woman who was a former KGB officer and friend of his, Anna Politkovskaya, who was also a vocal critic of Putin and his "regime". In the weeks before Litvinenko died, doctors scrambled to figure out what was wrong with him. Only after his death, did they discover he'd been poisoned with plutonium 210, a rare and highly toxic chemical.
Is Russia responsible for the death of this outspoken critic? Or did someone whose secrets Litvinenko carry feel threatened? Or both? I can't even possibly pretend to know. It's certainly suspicious that traces of polonium 210 were found on two jetliners that made trips between Moscow and London. Of course, a friend who met with Litvinenko the day he was poisoned also was found to be contaminated.
I'm done with my contemporary romance, Rhyme & Reason. Oh, what's with the Spanish word, acabé, you might be asking? It means "I finished!" Darn thing gave me fits at the end, but I think I got it down satisfactorily. the first ending I wrote made me cry--cuz it was bad, not a tear-jerker. :-D But then I rewrote it. And rewrote it. Till finally--the ending felt right. I really love this story, and already it is affecting families. I've sent it off to Camy Tang for her to wield her wasabi genius at it. Here's praying I recognize my manuscript when it comes back.
It's a new year. Already my family is faced with HUGE hubby is without a job. I'm not working in a fashion that brings in income...YET. When God told me this would be a year of transition, I should've been warned. But I'm okay. Really. I have a strong awareness of His activity in my life, and I'm confident that God is busy preparing, arranging, and maneuvering me for what's to come. I really look forward to this coming year. Neen told me it would be a painful year. I had a very painful time last yaer. I'm hoping this year is more about beauty of His promises.So, now that my contemporary is written, I plan to get back into research for my next spy novel. For Christmas, my in-laws bought me this WAY KEWL book called The Spycraft Manual. It's amazing. I can't wait to read--no, STUDY--the rest of it. There's a ton of information in here and history on the craft of spying. Also, while all those startling revelations over the Russian spy who was poisoned came out in the news, I printed out every article I could find on his story, the story of the former spy-turned reporter who was assassinated, and many other fascinating articles in relation to Litvinenko. Why did I do this? Well, because my heroine is a former Russian spy. It makes sense, right, to know what's happening currently to make the story that much more relevant.
I think, for a while, I'm going to concentrate on spy stuff. I hope this will peak your interest, not only in the world around you, but in my books! *GRINS!*