I am delighted to host an interview with my fabulous agent, Steve Laube. He really gave great consideration in answering questions to help those attending the ACFW Conference in Dallas, September 20-23.
____________________________Tell us a bit about yourself.
I lived the first 14 years of my life in Anchorage, Alaska (survived the famous ’64 earthquake), then went to high school in Honolulu (Hawaii Baptist Academy). My parents felt called to move after 25 years in Alaska. From there, I went to college at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ, where I still live and work.
I have three daughters ages 25, 22, and 19 and have been married for 26 years. I teach an adult Bible study every Sunday. We are currently working our way through the Minor Prophets in chronological order. Once that is complete, we will tackle the chronological history of Israel from King David through the rebuilding of the walls by Nehemiah.
I’m a voracious reader and an enduring sports fan (Go Suns!). Someone asked what I did for a living. I replied, “I read.” They followed with, “Then what do you do for fun?” My answer? “I read.” We have nearly 5,000 books in our home.
Music is an affection as well. I have over 13,000 songs on my computer of all types. Everything from hard rock (I recommend the group “Red”) to classical (I recommend Steven Sharp Nelson’s Sacred Cello). All together I could play music for 36 days (24 hours a day) without repeating a single song.
Our family enjoys a variety of movies. Of course “Star Wars” is the classic. But I never tire of sports movies like “Remember the Titans,” “Rudy,” or “Radio.” My wife cannot understand why I like “Galaxy Quest” so much, but I confess, it makes me laugh (she says I have to watch that one by myself). But we have howled at multiple viewing of “Arsenic and Old Lace” and “Monsters, Inc.” We don’t keep a TV plugged in inside the home, but for Christmas I gave the family the entire DVD collection of “The Dick Van Dyke” show. We have laughed our way through those episodes all year. We have also enjoyed the DVD’s of “The Bob Newhart Show” and “The Dog Whisperer.”
When I first met you in February 2004, you promoted American Christian Romance Writers (now ACFW)—said if we were serious about writing, we’d join. Why do you feel it’s important for authors to be a part of an organization like this?
Continuing education is critical to the growth of a person and a writer. Tricia Goyer recently wrote on The Writer’s View, “I've attended Mt. Hermon twelve times. I don't have a college degree. Instead I was trained by the amazing teachers and editors there.”
The friendships and networking of an organization like ACFW are for a lifetime. The editor you meet today may become your acquisitions editor of tomorrow. The author today may be the endorsement of tomorrow. Too often we try to quantify these events in dollars and cents. And don't forget the spiritual charge from hearing great speakers and the learning from attending great classes. But one of the greatest benefits is the camaraderie with fellow dysfunctional writers, editors, and agents.
I have dozens of friendships that go beyond the business that started within the business. For a professional defined by isolation, the fellowship of other writers is critical to ones sanity.
How long have you been a part of ACFW?
Since I became an agent in 2003.
Obviously you travel the country, attending and working at many conferences. What sets the ACFW conference apart from others?
The fiction-centric aspect of the conference is wonderfully unique. It allows the classes to go deeper than ever in their content. And I truly admire their effort to have material for the beginner as well as the advanced writer.
What is your favorite part of the ACFW conference?
Talking with old friends and making new ones. We are a part of a tremendous ministry of changing people’s lives through the power of story. To be surrounded by amazingly creative people blesses me beyond measure.
It is also fun to connect with clients and possibly discover that new talent.
One thing I really appreciate about you is how you make yourself available, sitting in the hotel lobby chatting (casually, not for pitches) with authors—like the time my crit bud Dineen Miller had her drug-laced fudge and Brandilyn Collins couldn’t resist them, but you did (at least after your what, fifth piece?). What is one of your fondest memories from attending one of ACFW’s national conferences?
Hey. I only ate one piece. I realized very quickly that I could suffer severe bodily harm if I tried to eat any more because Brandilyn’s eyes had fire in them.
ACFW memories?
Doing the night owl on author/agent relations with Tracey Bateman. Completely unrehearsed we had a full room of folks who laughed with our antics.
Late night laughter and camaraderie each year.
Heart to heart conversation with a client who was so relieved when we agreed to take her story in a new direction that her tears were ones of joy.
A serendipitous conversation with Andy from Zondervan that turned in a contract for a first time author.
Connecting officially with Cindy Woodsmall at the conference as author/agent. We had talked before and I loved her manuscript (now published as When the Heart Cries), but we needed the face-to-face to make it official.
I could go on and on. And have left out too many friends, editors, and authors in this trip down memory lane (no offense!). But you can see the variety and diversity of the experience, which is my point. Everyone who attends the conference can make it something special. Don’t be afraid to hang out with the “guys and gals.” It is never an exercise of “cliques-are-us.”
At the conference, you take appointments regularly. What are you looking for in a new author? Is there an element in a pitch that you look for?
This a VERY difficult question. Fiction is the most subjective reading experience of any sort. So even if I like the pitch, I may not like the writing. And sometimes the pitch is weak, but the writing is great. And what gets me excited may make another agent’s eyes glaze over.
In the pitch, I’m looking at the person as much as the writing. It is the connection made with their personality and their passion and their overall presentation of themselves. That is as much a part of the pitch as the actual words in the manuscript. It is one of the reasons why agents and editors go to a conference…to see firsthand that “snap” or “spark” which makes that person stand out. Hopefully, the execution of the writing delivers as well.
Understand that I’m not saying that someone has to have a “bigger-than-life” personality. That would be a fairly shallow view. Instead, it is reading the person behind the page. It is hard to explain and impossible to teach to someone else. But those of us on this side of the table know what I mean. The successful agents and editors have the ability to pick those few from the crowd..
So, please understand I’m not talking about a song and dance routine. But instead I’m talking of the internal fire, that God-given spark, that says, “Steve? Pay attention.”
Is there a particular genre you are wanting to add to your current list?
We already cover all major genres with the wonderfully diverse clients we represent.
An author did recently write and say, “I’m starting my teen/time travel/Muhammad book.” While he was joking, I suppose that would be a new genre for our agency!!!
It’s been said that some editors and agents request everything pitched to them at conference. What is your take on this, and how often do you make requests?
There can be the problem of the "false positive" at a conference - by "false positive" I mean the "Send it to me" from the editor/agent only to get a stock rejection letter. It is a problem of which there is no real solution. Editors/Agents cannot fully evaluate a project in a 15-minute meeting or over a group dinner table. Back in the office they can weigh your project against the others they are considering. But at least you are being considered! If you had not gone to the conference you would not have had that chance. I can name numerous times in my past where I contracted someone after reading the proposal in the office. Of course, the majority receive the "no thank you" letter. Just because the faculty member says, "send it" doesn't carry with it a guarantee of a sale.
It is especially difficult with fiction because the reading is more of an experience than an evaluation. I’m not afraid to say, “This needs work” to any writer and many of you reading this interview have heard those words from me. But at the same time, our agency’s door is always open. We are always in the hunt for the “next best.” I can’t know if that is the “next” unless I get it reviewed and read it myself in a different context outside the conference.
Usually I say to the new writer, “take what you learn at this conference and apply it to this proposal. Then after another round of hard work, send it….but know that our agency received nearly 1,500 proposals last year, and we only took six new writers.”
Have you ever signed an author after meeting with them at conference (besides me LOL)?
Many times. Both as an agent and back when I was an editor at Bethany House. It does happen. I could safely say that every editor or agent would agree that if they find one (only one) new talent from a conference it is considered a success. I’ve had many times where nothing specific came out of that conference, but years later it bore fruit. For example, Paul Robertson attended a conference where I spoke in the late 90s. He said he sent something afterwards that I rejected. Eight years later, he sent me a proposal that is now a published book (The Heir) with Bethany House. So while I didn’t necessarily see anything at the time, it had results nearly 10 years later.
What advice would you give to beginner writers about attending this conference?
Go into it with realistic expectations. The biggest mistake is thinking that it is the guaranteed method for getting a book contract. Modify those expectations. Instead see it as a learning experience and a place to listen and absorb the sights and sounds around you. Jack Cavanaugh went to writers conferences for 10 YEARS before selling his first novel.
Any parting words?
I consider it a privilege to be a small part of this wonderful industry. We are tasked to help spread the good news to a world that doesn’t read. Incredible isn’t it? Our insecurities, our frustrations, our successes (or lack thereof), are all part of the larger movement of souls who find rest in God and His salvation through the vehicle of our stories.
In the 2007 Christy banquet, keynote Laura Winner said that the Mitford novels showed her that faith could be worked out in daily life. That experience, through the pages of a novel, set her on the path to Faith. What could top that?
THANK YOU, STEVE, for taking the time to share your thoughts and advice on this conference. I look forward to seeing you in Dallas in six weeks.
So, there it is, folks! Rush on over to ACFW and register for the conference, if you haven't already!!
Fantastic interview! Thanks Steve and Ronie! Steve spent a lot of time on this interview, and I appreciate his honesty and insight!
Now, the question is - what were those brownies laced WITH?????
Great interview!
Ane, we'll never tell about the brownies! LOL
Wonderful interview. I've chatted with Steve at several conferences, yes, in the lobby. In fact, a little queue followed him around so closely that I had to ask him if it was the Laube lobby. (!??) I wish he would handle my work. He once said he would if I'd make the demons part of her imagination. I can only say, "They're real, I tell you, they're real!" LOL
Great interview!
Ronie, thanks for making this available to us. And Steve, thanks for your candid responses and your encouragement.
Insightful interview! Ronie, thanks for posting and thanks to Steve for his honest comments.
Ha ha! Drug-laced fudge. Ane, I assure you the only thing lacing that fudge was lots of love and a few pieces of wax paper. LOL! I have something else in mind for this year though...
Steve, great interview! I've loved being a part of some of those late night chat sessions, at Mt. Hermon and ACFW. And your goofy computer videos. LOL! Oh, if you like Red, you might like Day of Fire, if you haven't already heard of them.
Can't wait for September. This conference is the highlight of my year. And I get to see my twin! Wooohooo! :-)
Ronie asked some great questions. Happy to answer them. Hope every registrant reads the interview. Should help with some of the conference jitters!
Dineen claims there were no additives. But I saw Brandilyn's dilated pupils. She kept walking away and then coming back for "just one more."
Also Cindy Woodsmall was there and she gave me a special stamp to use on selected proposals. Ask her about it some time.
See you all in Dallas.
Thanks Ronie and Steve for this wonderful interview. I keep waiting for a Steve Laube blog! Chip and Randy need a little blogging competition!
Can't wait for ACFW this year, I actually have a finished manuscript!
Great Interview! I want to go to the conference now just to taste Dineen's next batch of brownies. ROFL. Dineen, could you bring some to Mt. Hermon, because I'll be at that one. Sorry to say I won't make ACFW this year:(
Wonderful interview Steve and Ronnie.
Great questions!
You should have included the brownie recipe, though. ;)