Hey, y'all! I just had to share this "Virtual Care Package" that the amazing Erynn Newman sent me while I was buried getting TRINITY: Military War Dog finished and writing one proposal and cleaning up another to send to my agent.
I was so touched by Erynn's thoughtfulness and was laughing so hard, that I actually burst into tears. Check this out. I think Erynn is brilliant!!
First, a basket of assorted coffees for that extra caffeine boost when you're burning the midnight oil. This should be enough to keep your cup full at all times.
Second, unlimited iTunes downloads so you can keep your inspiration flowing.
Third, a team of people to cook and clean for you so you don't have to worry about that.
Fourth, a never ending stash of chocolate to get you through the bleak moments. Can be substituted for the junk food of your choice.
Fifth, a fruity tropical drink to enjoy when you finally get to take that much needed break.
Sixth, an AMAZING place to CRASSSSSSHHHHH! With the waves lulling you to sleep.
Seventh, Chris Evans as your personal assistant to bring you whatever else you need and look good while doing it.
And eighth, the YOU DID IT! IT'S DONE! IT'S DONE! Congratulatory bouquet. You can have Chris present it to you while singing a handwritten song about how amazing you are.
When I thanked Erynn for her genius and thoughtfulness, she told that she wanted to send the real stuff, but Chris's assistant fees were crazy expensive. Then when I mentioned I cried, she told me, "Don't cry! I forgot the virtual tissues!"
I'm glad God brought you into my life!
Sigh. What an amazing young woman. Watch for her--I know it won't be long before you can find her books on the shelves in your nearest bookstores!
I am so tickled to see Digitalis, Discarded Heroes #2
Here is the full 2011 INSPY Short List straight from
The INSPY Advisory Board is pleased to announce the shortlists for the 2011 INSPY Awards. We thank you for your enthusiastic nominations of books and again acknowledge the difficulties in narrowing the field with so many quality nominations.
Creative Nonfiction
Little Princes by Conor Grennan, (William Morrow, Jan 2011)
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, (Zondervan, Jan 2011)
Passport Through Darkness by Kimberly L. Smith (David C Cook, Jan 2011)
The Waiting Place by Eileen Button (Thomas Nelson, June 2011)
The World is Bigger Now by Euna Lee & Lisa Dickey (Broadway, Sept 2010)
City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell, (Henry Holt & Co, Sept 2010)
The Blackberry Bush by David Housholder (Summerside Press, June 2011)
The Reluctant Prophet by Nancy Rue (David C Cook, Oct 2010)
Wolves Among Us by Ginger Garrett (David C Cook, April 2011)
Words by Ginny Yttrup (B&H Publishing, Feb 2011)
Back on Murder by J. Mark Bertrand (Bethany House, July 2010)
Darkness Follows by Mark Dellosso (Realms, May 2011)
Digitalis by Ronie Kendig (Barbour, Jan 2011)
Over the Edge by Brandilyn Collins (B&H Publishing, May 2011)
The Bishop by Steven James, (Revell, Aug 2010)
A Heart Most Worthy by Siri Mitchell (Bethany House, March 2011)
A Hope Undaunted by Julie Lessman (Revell, Sept 2010)
The Preacher’s Bride by Jody Hedlund (Bethany House, Oct 2010)
Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander (Bethany House, Sept 2010)
Yesterday’s Tomorrow by Catherine West (Oak Tara, March 2011)
Speculative Fiction
Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl, (Bethany House, July 2010)
The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers (Waterbrook Press, Oct 2010)
The Falling Away by T. L. Hines (Thomas Nelson, Sept 2010)
The Resurrection by Mike Duran (Realms, Feb 2011)
The Skin Map by Stephen Lawhead, (Thomas Nelson, Aug 2010)
Young Adult
A Girl Named Mister by Nikki Grimes (Zondervan, Aug 2010)
Losing Faith by Denise Jaden (Simon Pulse, Sept 2010)
Saint Training by Elizabeth Fixmer (Zondervan, Aug 2010)
The Fences Between Us by Kirby Larson (Scholastic, Sept 2010)
The Truth of the Matter by Andrew Klavan (Thomas Nelson, Sept 2010)