I've joined the ranks of mothers who are homeschooling and writing and doing a plethora of other things in a blog called Writer...Interrupted. My first post, Special Kids with Special Needs, is up now. Please, stop by and check it out.
--------------------------------------------------------No, there is no particular reason that I've posted Audrey's picture here. I just wanted something that reflects me...and well, I'm an Audrey Hepburn lover, so I decided to post that. :-D (BTW: that's from her movie, Roman Holiday.)
Life gets a little tough, doesn't it? I've had a very tough emotional and stress-filled week, making decisions I don't enjoy making. And why is it that each question I must answer is dependent on other things--other questions, which do not have answers yet, either? *sigh* Where is the manual to this thing called life?? How can I access the 4-1-1 on this phase? I have a direct connection to the Ultimate Powersource (for those not caught up on caffeine and such, that's GOD!). But what do you do when He's silent? When it seems the only thing you hear is the air rushing between your ears? For me, this season is challenging, filled with uncertainties--but when I take the time to sit and worship--KAPOW! God is right there. I sense His "sunshine" glimmering over my gloom and haze-consumed world. No, I still don't have answers, but simply knowing He is right there with me...I'm able to go on.
What about you??
Today my mind was filled with angst about my writing. I want to give my all to my family, my publishers, my readers, but there is only one me.
What did I do? I turned off my computer and curled up on my bed to read my Bible and pray. (Okay, I napped too.)
Then, I talked to a really wonderful and wise person who just happens to be my agent.
God's peace came from the prayer, and I was reminded again that He will direct my steps.
I was also reminded that He brings people into our lives to help and encourage us along the way. He does not set us on this journey solo.
It is absolutely awesome to know that God is with us. I love reading the Psalms in my quiet times and to worship Him gives me absolute joy and I hope it blessess Him. Bless you.
There's something about when you just stop struggling and get quiet. If you have a child, you know how it is when they want something and they are after you talking, crying, and all that. Then when they finally get quiet, you find yourself more willing to talk to them because they can hear you now.
I think it's that way with God. When we are striving and worring and all, it's hard to hear. But he's there all the same. Sometimes we just need to find quiet in our spirits so we can finally hear him. One thing I've learned about God, he doesn't seem to like to shout.
Thanks, y'all!! I'm so glad you found that peace, Tricia.
Gatekeeper (kewl name, BTW)--it is so awesome.
Jackie - what a great analogy. I've had those restless momennts before where all it took was silence. My journey lately has been different--God has truly been silent on issues, LOUD on presence. I didn't think that would be enough, but it has completely filled my world. :-D
Thanks, y'all for visiting!!
what's the saying...silence is golden?? LOLOL
I feel you girlie. right there with you.
Love you!!
Amen sister! He's what keeps me going. Especially right now. But I know he's there, always and no matter what. Nice post!
I've just recently come out of a "desert" experience in my spiritual life--one that I put myself into by getting burned out on church, attending the wrong church, and allowing the things of the world draw me off the path. Yet God was there all the time, gently trying to draw me back to Him. It just took me a while to listen. Of course, when I realized how far I'd strayed, I immediately thought of how long of a road I would have to travel to get back to him. But I turned around and--of course--He was right there waiting for me. I still struggle to hear his voice, but I'm back reading my Bible every night, and have joined a wonderful church and become a member of a fabulous Sunday School class in which we're studying Hebrews. I may not be getting answers to all of my questions and requests, but I am being refreshed and renewed daily, and that's more important!
Hmmm...BAD time for me to answer this. Then again, I'm clinging to Jesus right now while the rest of my world is spiraling out of control.